Dark and mysterious cup with a dry herbaceous finish. Drank to treat ailments from anemia to arthritis. It has a delicious mild sweet taste.
From the Supplier:
Nettles, we've all heard about their sting, but how many of us know about their ability to sustain life? Jetsun Milarepa certainly knew all about it. According to legend, Milarepa, one of Tibet's most famous yogis and poets, survived for decades, meditating in a cave, consuming nothing but nettles. The story maintains that he consumed the herb to such an extent that his skin turned green. (Speaking of turning things green, a dye made from nettles was reportedly used to make camouflage in England during WWII.)
While there is no way to scientifically corroborate Milarepa's story, since he died in the year 1135, what is known is that nettles are high in protein, vitamin C, vitamin A and Iron, and has been held in high regard by health and wellness practitioners throughout recorded history. No less notable a personage than Hippocrates, the great physician of Greek antiquity, recorded more than 61 medicinal uses for the plant. To this day, natural health practitioners prize nettle for its ability to stimulate the lymph system, relieve arthritis symptoms, reduce gingivitis, treat the common cold, ease asthma symptoms and more - amazing.
According to an ancient Cree legend, stinging nettle (known in Cree language as Masan) didn't always sting. The story goes:
Masan [stinging nettle] was once golden with shimmering leaves and a bright aura. The human beings did not pay their respect to this plant medicine, taking it for granted, passing it by without offering tobacco. In time it turned color to blend in with the other plants and grew stinging hairs to catch the human beings by surprise and sting them.
Ouch. Thankfully, in addition to its sting, nettle (Latin: U. dioica) was also imbued by the creator with a host of nutrients. Said to be a good source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, C and K, nettle also contains copper, manganese and calcium, and is said to have one of the highest chlorophyll contents of just about all plants. (It is also said to have more Vitamin C and calcium than spinach.)
Nettle also happens to make an excellent addition to herb and tea blends, imparting a neutral herbaceous character. It also makes an excellent tisane on its own, when brewed with a few mint leaves and a dollop of honey
As an herbal tea, nettle holds up very well in the cup, offering herbaceous notes that are superb either on their own or with a dash of honey. Nettles can be brewed the way you would any herbal or loose-leaf tea, then strained into the cup before drinking. And in case you're wondering, no, the tea doesn't sting! Enjoy the sweet nectar of nature today.