Delicious and sophisticated. This is the first fruit tea we ever stocked that had vegetables added to it. The beet pieces add to the wonderful colour and delightful flavour.
Perfect hot or cold. Merlot red with a delicious fruit character and a light astringency veggie finish.
From the Supplier:
The Roman Empire is responsible for a great deal of things still widely enjoyed to this day.bridges.roads.sangria. Sangria? Sic amica mea. (That means "yes, my friend" in Latin.) It is believed the ancient Romans inadvertently invented Sangria through the practice of adding wine to water to disinfect drinking water as they expanded their territory. Fruit was probably added later, as a way of masking the flavor of wine that may have soured during their long voyages of discovery.
As time marched on, Sangria came to be known as the de facto beverage of Spain and Portugal. To this day, the mixture of wine and fruit is so popular the European Union set an official definition of the drink, to ensure people get what they paid for. According to EU law, Sangria is: a drink obtained from wine, aromatized with the addition of natural citrus-fruit extracts or essences, with or without the juice of such fruit and with the possible addition of spices.
Delicious. We fell in love with Sangria over tapas in Seville en route to Egypt during one of our herb-buying missions. Naturally, once we?d secured the herbs we were looking for; we decided to incorporate them into a blend commemorating the experience. The resulting herbal tea, Sangria, blends Egyptian hibiscus blended with apple, rosehips and rich red slices of beets, for a warm, deep red, winy character. From ancient Rome to your teapot, Sangria has quite the tale to tell.