Thirst quenchingly delicious. We have made gallons and gallons of this as a hot or iced tea in the cafe. Rarely would you look into our fridge at home and not see a pitcher of this iced. It has a wonderful and unforgettable taste.
A full flavored tea with deep berry notes. The infused cup is burgundy red and provides strength and character. A terrific tasting herbal tea.
From the Producer:
Herb and fruit tea in some circles is considered a new type of tea. We formulated this blend to accommodate tastes of people who wanted to experience a refreshing healthy new style drink without caffeine. What we got was a terrific 'tea' that is unbelievably delicious and enjoyed Hot or Cold! In fact we have clients in the northern climes who add a few cloves and cinnamon sticks simmer for an hour and then add some red wine - a perfect mulled wine for cold stormy nights.
Our clients tell us that Berry Berry is their most favorite herb and fruit tea. We have to agree. The hibiscus adds a tart dimension to the blend, which makes it very refreshing. We've added currants to give a natural sweetness and topped this off with natural flavors to further enhance the delightful character of this tea.